Coaching & Schooling


Coaching and Schooling


Andrew is a UKCC level 3 coach and a UKCC Coach Educator, one of the first in Scotland to achieve this qualification. In 2010, the Scottish Equestrian Association named him Coach of the Year at their annual awards ceremony.

Coaching has been an interest from the early stages of his career, during coaching sessions, Andrew likes to build a safe enjoyable friendly environment and dedicate his time fairly and equally to each individual regardless of age, race, gender or ability.

Whether you’re aiming to qualify for important finals or would like to take your horse for its first hack, long term goals are agreed and established early on; these are broken down into smaller achievable session goals which add structure and focus to each session.

Click here for Andrew Wilson’s current training rates

Picture Gallery  – winners of our 2019 Winter SJ League kindly sponsored by Robert Rogan Builders and Babes Sports Horses.


West Kype are involved in the schooling and breaking of a wide variety of horse and ponies, from elite sports horse and show-jumpers to family ponies and riding club horses, but the philosophy remains the same. Andrew believes  that early stage experiences play a crucial part in a horse’s future and that this important foundation in the horse training, done correctly, will give them the best possible start. Every horse is an individual with their own temperament and personality therefore a well structured and tailor made training regime will maximise their potential at every stage.

This programme will be developed in conjunction with the owner and will focus on the development needs and existing skills of the individual horses.

Many horses, at differing stages in their careers, can benefit from a focused and concentrated development programme.

Whether you have a young horse in the early stages of it’s education or you wish support in moving your horse to the next level, please call Andrew to discuss your specific requirements or ambitions and how we can best assist you.

Scheduled Sessions

For scheduled Coaching and Schooling sessions being run at West Kype such as those by British Eventing, Strathclyde Dressage Group, Lanark and Upperward Pony Club or Polnoon Castle Riders Association please see the relevant date on the Events page or the relevant club’s web site.