Unaffliated open showjumping show open to both horses and ponies, juniors and seniors. Rosettes to 6th place with separate awards for juniors and seniors where entries allow. Classes from lead rein upwards, see schedule for details. Starts at 10.00am. Hot food van providing refreshments will be on site. Entries on the day.
Could you please forward me a copy of saturday’s sj as I cant download it. Thank you
Hi Linda , Andrew
I attended your show Today with my young daughter Emma. She entered the 1st 2 classes. We all had a great time. You have a lovely set up and very friendly atmosphere. A huge thanks we will be back as often as possible.
Stewart Noble
Hi Stewart
Glad you had a good day, Emma did well getting into the jump off. We were delighted with the way things went and the weatehr being kind to us helped ! Look forward to seeing you both again.