Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
Third rounds of the Marksman Shand SJ series. For club members only but you can join on the night, check out the PCRA web site for more details.
Every second Thursday is showjumping day ! Clear rounds The course will be set-up from 1.30pm and available for clear rounds until 6.30pm. Participants can set the jumps at whatever... read more →
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
Second of the Marksmand and Shand SJ competitions, see PCRA website for more details.
The show will be run outdoors in the grass field. The course will be built by Andrew Wilson. If the weather or ground is doubtful please contact a member... read more →
See http://lanarkridingclub.co.uk/?post_type=tribe_events&eventDisplay=upcoming for details.
Every second Thursday is showjumping day ! Clear rounds The course will be set-up from 1.30pm and available for clear rounds until 6.30pm. Participants can set the jumps at whatever... read more →