Over the last two weekends we have seen some fantastic results from West Kype’s show jumpers. The qualifiers for the Highland show are now underway for both the horses and the ponies. At the first pony qualifier held at Muirmill Abbie Letham and Nora earned their ticket to the 138cm final. This was their first attempt at this class and the combination were one of three double clears in the class and a super jump off round earned them second place. On Sunday at Ingliston Gillian Anderson and Bee earned they qualifying ticket to the Highland in the Young Masters. They finished second in a very competitive class and are delighted to have so their ticket early in the campaign.
The weekend also saw the area qualifiers for the Pony Club Dengie National Finals held at SNEC. A small group of local riders who qualified at West Kype represented L&U pony club. Both qualifying classes were dominated by West Kypers Meghan Ballantyne and Kirstyn Beattie who were both placed first and second respectively in both the Novice and the Open classes. Meghan with Cookie and Kirstyn with Boo were the two fastest in a competitive and busy Novice jump off but were the only two double clears in the Open jump off.
If any other club members have news of successes please let us know and we’ll share it with our other members.