Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
Marksman, Idyll, Shand show-jumping competition, Round 3. This event is restricted to Polnoon riding club members however you can join on the night.
Team training from 6.00pm till 8.00pm, arena will be weather dependant.
Fortnightly dressage training sessions, Thursday mornings with Ailsa Gilchrist, dressage coach, rider and judge. Facilitated by Strathclyde Dressage Group, session for the 16th June is full, details of future sessions to... read more →
Marksman, Idyll, Shand show-jumping competition. Round 2. Starts at 7.00pm with clear rounds running for the first half-hour. Then commencing with the Novice, Intermediate and Open classes. This event is... read more →
Team training from 6.00pm till 9.00pm, arena will be weather dependant.
Team training from 6.00pm till 8.00pm, arena will be weather dependant.
SJ clinic with Andrew Hamilton accredited BSJA Coach and International Show-Jumper. Individual or groups sessions as requested. All levels catered for. Full course of jumps an option. Weather permitting, these... read more →