Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
What a fantastic evening, super hot weather and super hot competition across all of the classes, if you weren't here tonight you'll wish you had been. The fridge was even... read more →
Every second Thursday is showjumping day ! Clear rounds The course will be set-up from 1.30pm and available for clear rounds until 6.30pm. Participants can set the jumps at whatever... read more →
SJ lessons with BS and UKCC accredited coach Andrew Hamilton. Group lessons, times and costs to be confirmed. Contact Linda directly for information or to book a place on 07753845195.
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
See the item in the news page for contact details and costs.
Lanark Riding Club are running a show jumping show. The competition will be held in the indoor school using the full set of BSJA jumps and the warm up will... read more →
Every second Thursday is showjumping day ! Clear rounds The course will be set-up from 1.30pm and available for clear rounds until 6.30pm. Participants can set the jumps at whatever... read more →
Fortunately the weather didn't turn out a s bad as the forecasters had predicted and we had a relatively pleasant evening. It was great o see some new aces to... read more →
BE Training with Trish Harvey, starts at 4pm with groups of 3-4 for an hour session. Cost is £30 for BE members £33 for non-members. Book directly through the BE... read more →