BHS Trec is great fun and all about good horsemanship. There are three phases – the POR Orienteering on horseback, the COP shows your control in canter and walk and... read more →
The dressage boards, flowers and judge's box will be set up exactly as it is for our monthly shows, giving you the opportunity to come in and school your horse in... read more →
Every second Thursday is showjumping day ! Clear rounds The course will be set-up from 1.30pm and available for clear rounds until 6.30pm. Participants can set the jumps at whatever... read more →
Our monthly show in December will be a fun show with something for everyone, some of the usual classes but also something a little bit different. Including a pairs competition,... read more →
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
BSJA Junior Academy 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm, see the item in the News page for more details including booking and costs.
Every second Thursday is showjumping day ! Clear rounds The course will be set-up from 1.30pm and available for clear rounds until 6.30pm. Participants can set the jumps at whatever... read more →
PC Rally 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
PC Rally 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
PC Rally 6.15pm to 7.15pm.
Monthly dressage competitions, August to March 2012. Rosettes to 6th place, best junior rosettes in each class. Rug to points league winner and runner up prize. Classes from Intro to... read more →
Every second Thursday is showjumping day ! Clear rounds The course will be set-up from 1.30pm and available for clear rounds until 6.30pm. Participants can set the jumps at whatever... read more →
Show jumping coaching sessions with Andrew Hamilton, catering for all abilities, groups of three - £35 per person. Will run late afternoon/early evening. Please contact Linda Anderson for further details... read more →
Unaffliated open showjumping show open to both horses and ponies, juniors and seniors. Rosettes to 6th place with separate awards for juniors and seniors where entries allow. Classes from lead rein upwards,... read more →
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
PC Rally 6.15pm to 7.15pm.
Pony club rally 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
Every second Thursday is showjumping day ! Clear rounds The course will be set-up from 1.30pm and available for clear rounds until 6.30pm. Participants can set the jumps at whatever... read more →
Schooling night with Andrew Wilson, see club website for booking details.
BSJA Junior Academy 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm, see the item in the News page for more details including booking and costs.
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
PC Rally 6.15pm to 7.15pm.
PC Rally 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
Every second Thursday is showjumping day ! Clear rounds The course will be set-up from 1.30pm and available for clear rounds until 6.30pm. Participants can set the jumps at whatever... read more →
Last club night of the season, trophies and fun to be had, see club website for details.
Monthly dressage competitions, August to March 2012. Rosettes to 6th place, best junior rosettes in each class. Rug to points league winner and runner up prize. Classes from Intro to... read more →
Show jumping coaching sessions with Andrew Hamilton, catering for all abilities, groups of three - £35 per person. Will run late afternoon/early evening. Please contact Linda Anderson for further details... read more →
Pony club rally 6.00pm to 9.00pm.
See Polnoon Castle Riders Association web-site for details.
Unaffliated open showjumping show open to both horses and ponies, juniors and seniors. Rosettes to 6th place with separate awards for juniors and seniors where entries allow. Classes from lead rein upwards,... read more →
Pony Club Rally 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
Every second Thursday is showjumping day ! Clear rounds The course will be set-up from 1.30pm and available for clear rounds until 6.30pm. Participants can set the jumps at whatever... read more →
Dressage evening with Catherine Eardley, 7 to 9 pm, 12th October. Tickets £5 (£4 for West Kype Riders Club Members) Come along and watch tests being judged, then work with... read more →
BSJA Junior Academy 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm, see the item in the News page for more details including booking and costs.
Schooling night with Andrew Wilson, see club website for booking details.
Polnoon fun dressage night, see club web-site for details.
Unaffliated open showjumping show open to both horses and ponies, juniors and seniors. Rosettes to 6th place with separate awards for juniors and seniors where entries allow. Classes from lead rein upwards,... read more →
Monthly dressage competitions, August to March 2012. Rosettes to 6th place, best junior rosettes in each class. Rug to points league winner and runner up prize. Classes from Intro to... read more →
This is an opportunity to ride a dressage test at the level of your choice, have it judged and scored then spend time with the judge in "instructor mode" as... read more →
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
Schooling with Liz Love, see club web site for booking details.
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
Tests from intro onwards, starts 6.45pm, see Polnoon web site for details.
Monthly dressage competitions, August to March 2012. Rosettes to 6th place, best junior rosettes in each class. Rug to points league winner and runner up prize. Classes from Intro to... read more →
Schooling night with Liz Love. See Polnoon web site for booking details.
Unaffliated open showjumping show open to both horses and ponies, juniors and seniors. Rosettes to 6th place with separate awards for juniors and seniors where entries allow. Classes from lead rein upwards,... read more →
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
SHOW WILL BE HELD INDOORS Polnoon Castle Riders Association are holding an open show with classes for Juniors and Seniors. Held in the grass arena, progressive clear rounds running from... read more →
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
Marksman, Idyll, Shand show-jumping competition, Round 4. This event is restricted to Polnoon Riding Club members however you can join on the night.
You are invited to our open evening on Tuesday the 19th July at 7.00pm where we will show case our new indoor arena and facilities. The evening will start with... read more →
Running from the 18th to 20th July. Contact if you are interested.
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
Car treasure hunt and BBQ.
Every second Thursday morning in partnership with Strathclyde Dressage Group. Booking priority is given to SDG members. Lessons can be for 30 or 45 mins. Contact Rosalind Bryson 07986144785 to... read more →
Marksman, Idyll, Shand show-jumping competition, Round 3. This event is restricted to Polnoon riding club members however you can join on the night.
Team training from 6.00pm till 8.00pm, arena will be weather dependant.
Fortnightly dressage training sessions, Thursday mornings with Ailsa Gilchrist, dressage coach, rider and judge. Facilitated by Strathclyde Dressage Group, session for the 16th June is full, details of future sessions to... read more →
Marksman, Idyll, Shand show-jumping competition. Round 2. Starts at 7.00pm with clear rounds running for the first half-hour. Then commencing with the Novice, Intermediate and Open classes. This event is... read more →
Team training from 6.00pm till 9.00pm, arena will be weather dependant.
Team training from 6.00pm till 8.00pm, arena will be weather dependant.
SJ clinic with Andrew Hamilton accredited BSJA Coach and International Show-Jumper. Individual or groups sessions as requested. All levels catered for. Full course of jumps an option. Weather permitting, these... read more →